aspen systems hpc liquid cooling

HPC Liquid Cooling

The Future of HPC is Liquid Cooled

Here at the dawn of Exascale, HPC components are running hotter than ever before, increasing energy requirements across the board to keep up with the growing demand for greater performance and density.  Today, liquid cooling technologies are more robust than ever before, providing incredible efficiency, serviceability, and temperature control at scales and price points that most data centers can’t afford to ignore anymore. You no longer need to build a completely new data center to experience the benefits of liquid cooling – new developments in cold plate and in-rack CDU technologies have made liquid cooling more accessible than ever before.

The Benefits

What are the Advantages of Liquid Cooling?

Greater Reliability & Performance

Air cooling simply can’t keep up with the growing density and heavy processing loads. With liquid cooling, you don’t need to throttle back CPU and GPU performance as much in order to prevent thermal runaway. Greater cooling power means greater performance from your HPC hardware.

Greater Efficiency

In addition to being 50-1,000 times more efficient at transferring heat than air, liquid cooling allows for far more precise temperature control with in-rack CDU and on-proc cold plate technologies. Instead of running coolant to the entire system all the time, you can run it directly to the racks that need it, reducing Opex.

Greater Density

With air-cooling, you limit the density of your data center. The increased cooling power of liquid cooling allows you to maximize the use of your data center space, achieving greater processing potential in smaller spaces, and avoiding the need for costly remodels or expansions.

Green Computing

Each year, data centers consume approximately two percent of global power consumption. Liquid cooling not only improves sustainability by helping data centers reduce energy consumption, but also allows them to repurpose captured heat more effectively.

Is Liquid Cooling Right for Your Data Center?

If the thought of having a liquid flow through your servers in a tube makes you cringe, you aren’t alone. If the cost to get a water-cooled system up and running for a cluster makes you squirm, again, you aren’t alone. However, as technology requires more power and cooling, we must accept the fact that liquid cooling is here to stay. With the increasing capacity of racks and thermal design power of modern processors leading to a greater need for efficient heat dissipation, you can no longer afford to ignore liquid cooling systems.

These days, you don’t need to figure out what parts to get and from which manufacturer anymore, because manufacturers are creating kits for different systems. The engineers at Aspen Systems have worked with these manufacturers and can easily determine what you need for your solution. All of these advances are making it so that these solutions are becoming more affordable and more durable, leading to less failure and higher efficiency in your systems.

In Partnership With

Aspen Systems proudly integrates liquid cooling technologies from the following providers into our world-class HPC solutions.

hpc liquid cooling motivair
hpc liquid cooling nvent
hpc liquid cooling chilldyne
hpc liquid cooling coolit systems


The Most Comprehensive End-To-End Liquid Cooling Platform

Motivair has a long history of cooling critical process facilities and production equipment. From its earliest days of industrial compressed air treatment to today’s cutting-edge cold plate and cooling system design and implementation, the Motivair brand is synonymous with process cooling.

motivair coolant distribution unitCoolant Distribution Unit

Coolant Distribution Units (CDUs) represent the widest range and highest capacity standard and custom OEM CDUs available. By decoupling a building cooling loop from liquid cooled computer systems or the ChilledDoor rack cooling system, critical IT equipment can be ensured to receive precise coolant temperatures and flow yielding optimal server performance and maximum uptime.


  • Five (5) Standard Models
  • Custom OEM Solutions
  • Floor Mount & In-Rack profiles
  • Capacities to 1.6 MW of IT load
  • Built in redundancy and resiliency features
  • Advanced PLC control and safety system
  • Exascale Ready
  • Made in USA

motivair dynamic cold plateDynamic Cold Plates

Motivair’s Dynamic Cold Plate harnesses innovative fluid dynamics to redefine direct liquid cooling. Our patent pending technology enables robust performance without the use of skived microchannels. The free-flowing nature of the Dynamic Cold Plate accelerates any system particles preventing them from depositing on the cold plate.

It allows CPUs and GPUs to operate at peak performance while reducing the reducing the possibility of cooling degradation and costly system failures.

This simple yet effective technology is optimized for cost efficient and scalable production, targeted specifically for High Performance Computing, small to larger clusters and Exascale class systems. All products are engineered and manufactured in the USA, ensuring a predictable, end to end experience while eliminating the risks of foreign supply chain disruptions.


  • Uniform cooling across entire package
  • Resistance to fluid fowling
  • Unique enhanced cold plate design
  • Low profile
  • Pushlok connections
  • Variable connection locations
  • OEM Customization
  • Made in USA

The ChilledDoor®

Active rear door heat exchanger that is mounted directly to the back of any standard server rack.

Designed for and used by the world’s preeminent enterprise data center and super computer owners and operators, the ChilledDoor® allows for on-demand cooling on a per rack, row or room level ensuring optimal computer performance and maximum uptime.


  • 0-75kW cooling capacity with 100% Heat Removal
  • Designed to fit any industry standard server rack
  • Open19 and OCP compliant
  • Made in the USA
  • High powered adjustable PLC control system for active cooling of server racks

motivair heat distribution unitHeat Dissipation Unit

In the absence of available building cooling water, the heat from the computer cooling system must be rejected to air, a process that can now be facilitated by Motivair’s Heat Dissipation Unit (HDU).

The Motivair HDU is connected directly to the computer cooling loop and sits adjacent to or proximate to the computer racks. Circulation pumps located inside the HDU move hot water from the computer system to the HDU’s air-cooled heat exchanger. High-efficiency EC fans draw cool room air across the HDU’s internal heat exchanger, removing heat from the computer cooling system. A high-powered PLC controls and monitors all aspects of HDU performance ensuring the HPC system can operate within thermal specifications and without dependence on a building water supply.


  • Location of liquid cooled system prevents water from being plumbed to the computers
  • Current cooling solution does not have enough capacity to absorb heat from the liquid cooled computer system
  • Chilled or cool water is not available at the site
  • Beta testing of liquid cooled computer systems prior to full scale deployment
  • Made in the USA


High Availability At Minimal Operating Costs

High availability at minimal operational costs remains the major challenge in data centers and networks. Preventing servers from overheating accounts for a large portion of data center budgets. Besides the traditional HPC for calculations and simulations, AI-related compute-intensive applications have also increased the development of new designs for efficient cooling for data centers and edge computing.

nvent direct liquid coolingDirect-To-Chip Liquid Cooling

nVent and CoolIT have joined forces to create an enclosure for very high density computing environments. An nVent Schroff RackChiller Rear Door Cooler is combined with a CoolIT Direct Contact Liquid Cooling Distribution Unit to achieve new levels of rack-level cooling efficiency.


  • Designed to remove 100% of the heat generated in very high density IT racks
  • Combines the extreme heat removal of Direct Contact Liquid Cooling at the chip level with a Rear Door air-to-water heat exchanger for residual heat removal
  • Uses a single facility water line
  • Sophisticated, coordinated controls
  • Warm water exiting the RackChiller Rear Door Cooler complements the input requirements of the CoolIT CHx80 Cooling Distribution Unit (CDU)
  • High temperature return water increases efficiency and can be used for heat re-use

nvent rackchiller rear doorRackChiller Rear Door

RackChiller Rear Door Cooler (RDC) Heat Exchanger is designed for managing high heat load cooling requirements within high-density server, computing and storage racks. The RDC installs on equipment racks as a separate rear door with an extra frame, enabling it to be retrofitted to existing racks. Heat dissipated by the rack equipment will be removed by the air-to-liquid heat exchanger and transfered into the facility water circuit, adding no heat to the IT room. Door-mounted fans support the IT equipment air flow to overcome the coil impedance. The integrated controller modulates the water flow to keep a constant supply air temperature, as well as the fan speed to maintaining a (configurable) pressure differential between rack and IT room. The entire system is integrated within an aesthetically framed perforated door with protective covers to isolate the liquid source and cooling loop from the rack-mounted equipment.


  • Passive solution – no noise, no additional power consumption, low maintenance efforts
  • Active solution – fans support the air flow and minimize pressure drop of the heat exchanger supporting heterogeneous rack-mount equipment
  • Frame solution allows separation of coil and condensate management from the rack-mount equipment and rear space inside the cabinet is completely available for cabling and power distribution
  • Available in 6 different standard dimensions

nvent rackchiller in rowRackChiller In Row

nVent SCHROFF RackChiller In Row Chilled Water Heat Exchanger is designed to manage the critical cooling requirements of server and network racks. The entire system is housed in a separate enclosure and is integrated into a row of contained server racks. Active fans move the warm exhaust air from the servers through an air-to-water heat exchanger and the heat is transferred to a water circuit. The fans provide the chilled air to the equipment. The units can be scaled optimally to suit packaging density and redundancy can be implemented.


  • The units can be scaled optimally to suit packaging density and redundancy can be implemented.
  • Available in 2 different performance classes – Cooling performance of 55kW (300 mm) and 75kW (600 mm) in optimal operating conditions
  • Built-in redundancy through EC fan technology

nvent rackchiller in rackRackChiller In Rack

SCHROFF Varistar LHX+ series is designed for use with Varistar server racks with high heat dissipation losses. The highly energy efficient air-to-water heat exchanger is integrated in a 800-mm-wide rack, to the left or right of the 19” plane and the cabinet offers full RU (rack unit) mounting space. The rack-based cooling solution acts room-independent and allows for set-up of various rack configurations. The warm exhaust air from the servers flows through the heat exchanger as the heat is transferred to the cooling medium and cooled air is provided in front of the 19” plane.


  • Strict separation of cold and warm exhausted air – no recirculation
  • Cooling is close to equipment; quick regulation of water and air volume flow; no under cooling
  • Rack-integrated solutions reduce noise level; EMC-shielded solutions available
  • Flexible rack configurations to meet diverse packing densities and redundancy requirements


Liquid Cooling That Won’t Leak or Cause Downtime

Chilldyne’s patented, negative pressure technology creates a vacuum to pull water through the cooling ecosystem, eliminates the need for expensive and reinforced hardware, simplifies installation and maintenance, and provides peace of mind that the system won’t leak.

chilldyne coolant distribution unitCoolant Distribution Unit (CDU)

Chilldyne’s innovative, energy-efficient CDU cools up to 300 kW of servers in high-density applications. Its patented, negative-pressure technology eliminates downtime due to water leaks. With a footprint smaller than a standard rack, the CF-CDU300 easily fits at the end of a row.


  • Easy to install, upgrade, and maintain, which saves time and money. Aside from plumbing the facility water system, there is no need for specialized installation services.
    Unlike positive-pressure systems that push coolant through the system, Chilldyne’s patented, negative-pressure technology pulls coolant through the system and eliminates the risk of water leaks.
  • The negative-pressure system also uses a low-psi to circulate coolant and doesn’t require expensive, hardened hardware and connections to operate safely.
  • Using cooling tower water up to 45°C (113°F) the CDU can remove up to 300 kW of server heat with a 15°C rise. The efficient Chilldyne system does not need cold water to successfully cool the hottest chips. “Warm water” cooling is an efficient and effective way to cool servers.
  • The CDU automatically monitors and controls the quality of the water in the technology cooling loop. The water quality system ensures peak performance, reduces maintenance costs, and extends the life of the system by dispensing coolant additives as-needed to prevent corrosion and biological growth.
  • Easily manage the system, including the coolant temperature, liquid flow rate, and water quality, using the CDU’s touch screen panel.
  • Using Chilldyne’s Cool-Flo Software the same information and controls can be accessed by a web page, DCIM software, or BMS software to enable remote monitoring and operation of the CF-CDU300.
  • Made in USA

chilldyne cold platesCold Plates

Direct-to-chip liquid cooling can handle higher densities than air cooling, while using almost half of the power required by server fans and computer-room air conditioners. Coolant circulates through cold plates, mounted directly to server processors, to remove heat at its source and cool data centers more efficiently.


  • Standard cold plates, designed for major server manufacturers, make installation easy.
  • Custom cold plates can be designed and delivered quickly, for all server types.
  • The hybrid cold plate design uses fins for additional air cooling as a temporary backup, allowing the system to continue operating during service, testing, and upgrades.
  • Using channels in the cold plate, called turbulators, mixes cooling fluid to improve heat absorption.

chilldyne rack manifoldRack Manifold

Installed inside a standard server rack, the Chilldyne rack manifold delivers coolant to more than 100 servers. The negative-pressure liquid cooling system and manifold’s quick connectors allow operators to connect and disconnect hot and cold lines without shutting down the system.


  • Quick connectors make it easy to add or remove cooling to servers.
  • Chilldyne’s patented negative-pressure system allows for continuous, leak-free operations when adding or removing servers and performing maintenance.
  • Custom mounting is available for any type of server rack.
  • Low-flow resistance connectors, manifolds, and tubing provide a steady coolant flow for racks, even up to 30ft/10m from CDU.
  • Corrosion resistant stainless-steel construction ensures maximum cooling performance.
  • Patented air-flow valves keep the rest of the system liquid-cooled, even if some servers are disconnected.
  • Customizable connector types and port positions on manifolds are available for unique systems.

chilldyne cool-flo softwareCool-Flo Software

Remotely monitor and operate the Chilldyne Cooling Distribution Unit (CDU) using a web-based interface. An alternative to the CDU touchscreen, the Cool-Flo Software conveniently allows data center operators to manage the Chilldyne liquid cooling system and ensure uptime.


  • Set and monitor liquid temperature at the desired level to ensure peak server performance and increase energy efficiency.
  • Manage the liquid flow rate and heat exchange to achieve optimal cooling of IT equipment.
  • Monitor the dew point to prevent condensation buildup throughout the system.
  • Check coolant quality, ensure additives are available to minimize corrosion of system hardware and connections.
  • Monitor fluid levels to ensure CDU is able to automatically fill and drain liquids, during operation with no down time.
  • Conduct vacuum tests to ensure system is operating correctly.
  • Easy-to-use, web interface is consistent with CDU touchscreen panel.
  • Made in USA

CoolIt Systems

Modular System To Accommodate Your Cooling Needs

CoolIT products are equipped to support any server, rack configuration and data center environment to enable server technology to perform at its peak. With CoolIT’s modular system, clients can receive a selection of components specific to their needs. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

coolit passive coldplatesPassive Coldplates

CoolIT Systems CPU Coldplate are purpose-designed to accommodate lower profile footprints, such as 1U blades and other custom chassis. These passive coldplates do not contain any high failure rate components such as internal pumps. Instead, coolant circulation is provided by a rack or row based Coolant Distribution Unit (CDU).

coolit coolant distribution unitCoolant Distribution Unit (CDU)

Low pressure CHx and AHx Coolant Distribution Units (CDU) are built to meet the increasing demands of today’s data centers. Reliability, performance and intelligence are the core of CoolIT CDUs.

CoolIT CDUs meets today’s most demanding HPC requirements. Capable of managing a wide range of heat loads in a remarkably dense packages, these systems provide enough cooling for any deployment. As a result, users can expect a significant reduction in data center OPEX when using Direct Liquid Cooling.

coolit rack and chassis manifoldsRack and Chassis Manifolds

CoolIT Systems’ Rack Manifolds are made of reliable stainless steel, rendering them incredibly robust. Combined with dry-break, dripless Quick Disconnects from Staubli, these manifolds are safe and effective building blocks when paired with Rack DLC Passive Coldplate Loops.

Rack Manifolds are organized for a manual connection at the front or back of the rack. Manifolds are flexible and can be arranged vertically or horizontally within a rack .

coolit rear door heat exchangersRear Door Heat Exchangers (RDHx)

CoolIT Rear Door Heat Exchangers (RDHx) provide additional cooling capability to direct liquid cooling solutions when 100% heat capture and neutralization is required. RDHx attach directly to the rack and use the same liquid loop as the CDU, rack manifold and cold plate loops to provide a seamless customer solution.

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