On-Site Services

If you need an engineer on-site that knows your cluster, Aspen Systems can help. Do you need help installing and getting your cluster up and running, moving and installing the racks, connecting and verifying site power or the external network connection, or integrating your cluster into your local user authentication schema? We can help you do all that and more with our many on-site services.

At Aspen Systems, we assign the engineers who built your cluster or are most familiar with your requirements to the on-site visit whenever possible. This ensures continuity from inception to implementation for new cluster installations. The engineer you get on-site will be familiar with your system, ensuring a smooth and expedient on-site experience.

For HPC cluster upgrades, having the engineer who performed your upgrades on-site do any last-minute changes or “dial in” the upgraded cluster so that it can quickly be brought back into service can be invaluable. Your new or upgraded cluster is a huge investment; you need it to work promptly. Direct technical interaction between the Aspen Systems engineer and your administrators or end users is often the most effective way to get the configuration you need.

Do your end users need one-on-one help compiling their codes and running their applications on the new or upgraded cluster? Aspen Systems can help. Sometimes a friendly helping hand that can quickly explain your system configuration and allows your users to run their codes for the first time is the quickest and most effective way to integrate your new resource.

Would your HPC administrators benefit from some time with the engineer who built their cluster to review administrative procedures or help them with that one site-specific requirement?

Perhaps you need a more formal training environment for many end users or your administrators. Aspen Systems can provide an on-site trainer to conduct one of our formal training sessions for either users or administrators. We can even provide custom training if you need it.


Often on-site visits have more than one goal. Perhaps new cluster installation and one-on-one training sessions are required, or maybe you need help with a new software installation and a formal training class on its configuration and use. Our Statement of Work defines our on-site services visits before we arrive, which helps us understand your goals in advance and allows us to assign the proper engineers to your on-site visit.

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    *Aspen Systems Inc. will never share or sell your personal information for any reason. Read our policy on data privacy for more information.